

From September 8th till November 24th, 2024, you will be able to see a newly commissioned work at Manifesta 15, Barcelona.

Manifesta is the European Nomadic Biennial, which operates every two years from a different Host City. Manifesta 15 takes place over 12 weeks, across 12 cities in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. Manifesta 15 aims to reshape the relations between art, culture and society by investigating and catalysing socio-ecological change. All whilst being in continuous dialogue with both local communities and international cultural producers.


Go and check out my work at the venue ‘Three Chimneys’ in Sant Adrià de Besòs.

Kunstenaar Basis Mondriaan Fonds

YES! I got the ‘Kunstenaar Basis’ grant from Mondriaan Fund! Besides the recognition, this grand supports my general practice for the upcoming four years.

KW article

KW featuring my work

Local newspaper KW featuring my work with the article about Art festival Watou.

Trouw 29 juni 2023

Review Trouw

“Omhoog stromend water, zuchtende gebouwen, wilde beesten: de IJsselbiënnale zit vol verrassingen”

– “Rushing water, sighing buildings, wild animals: the IJsselbiennale is full of surprises”

Review in Dutch newspaper Trouw. Featuring my work:

…Om te begrijpen waarom het kunstwerk in Deventer past bij deze omschrijving, moet de constructie van dichterbij worden bekeken. Albers bouwde zijn werk van kale houten planken, en noemt het Epifyt-D. Een epifyt is een organisme dat op een levende plant groeit, zonder daar voedingsstoffen aan te onttrekken.

Het binnenste rookt, zucht en steunt
De constructie slaat tentakels om het bestaande gebouw, ze doen denken aan de vroegere industriële architectuur. Bezoekers kunnen deze tunnels betreden, en klimmen zo tot bij het levende binnenste van het bestaande gebouw. Het binnenste rookt, zucht en steunt, het ademt een verleden van handel en beweging. Deze kunst profiteert daar niet van, zuigt het bestaande niet verder leeg, maar omarmt het…

De Stentor - 11 mei 2023

Article in De Stentor

The Dutch newspaper ‘De Stentor’ placed an article about the preparations for the IJsselbiënnale.

Watou banner

Watou Kunstenfestival

On Saturday 1 July 2023, the arts festival Watou opens its doors. For this edition, some 30 artists and 20 poets ‘composed’ new in situ work that you can discover until 3 September in unusual places in and around the village and castle De Lovie. The intertwining of the village, the landscape, the poets and the artists is what makes this festival so unique.

You can find my work a few meters from the French – Belgian border.

Screenshot New Website

New Website

Hello world! I have a new website! If you can read this the website is online. After struggling with making my own websites for over a decade, I got to a point where I asked someone to make a portfolio site for me. This beautiful new site is made by Staffan Björk a great artist and web developer. With the kind support of Fondskwadraat en Mondriaan Fund.


For this years IJsselbiënale, I am commissioned to make a new art work. The location for the work is an old ‘overslaggebouw’ in Deventer. It’s in the ‘Havenkwartier’ only 100 meters from the IJsselbiënnale headquarters, next to Kunstenlab.

The IJssel Biennale is a biennial international outdoor exhibition with stimulating artworks along the river IJssel and an extensive cultural programme the ‘Nevengeul’.
The outdoor exhibition of the consists of 27 temporary, monumental and challenging works of art by national and international artists. The cycle route of 100 kilometres leads you in beautiful and varied stages along all artworks in special places along the river IJssel: a voyage of discovery through the landscape of the most beautiful river of our country.

This years IJsselbiënnale will take place from June 17th till September 17th.

More information at


During a four-week group exhibition at the AG in Utrecht, current participants of the collective OCTA will present new work made especially for the gallery space. The participants of the third version of OCTA are Niels Albers, Bas Burghard, Janina Frye, Sachi Miyachi, Tom Putman, Anna Reerds, Bart Schalekamp and Samantha Vlaming. OCTA is a collaboration between artists from two different cities. Within this inter-city project, the participants aim to break the boundaries of their individual practice by acting as a collective and creating common work for exhibitions in both cities of origin. The current formation is from Utrecht and Amsterdam.

Opening the Februari 24th in AG (Academie Galerie) Utrecht.